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MKBHD: Why Everyone is Copying AirPods: Explained!

Marquess Brownlee is one of the best tech reviewers on Youtube and no one can doubt it. Although, everything comes with a downside.

I follow him since his early stage of his career before all this gimick tech revolution with the fancy camera upgrades and I have to say that every single video coming out from this lad and his team is absolutely on point and very well shoot.

Despite his success, Marques and every other successful youtuber has been used by tech giants like Apple as part of the marketing strategy to influence their audience regarding their new products.

I used the word despite, because every time that a successful person has been “used” by a successful brand to influence their audience for good or worse the person is married with the brand and most of the times is negative.

In this case though, I believe the oposite happens. Yes, Marques is a clear Apple influencer since every single release of the company has been first released by him but without being fake and give fake reviews.

I know, I’ve said so many things about him but watch his latest video about why everyone is copying Apples’ earpods and you will get my point.
